Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Best Song Ever in 30 Seconds

Vera had Band of Horses back in October and it was a phenomenal success. We had a large line before the show, and it was packed with sweaty indie rock fans. They're a very popular group, but they have always disappointed me. Until now, thanks to Ford Motor Company.

This commercial transforms the Band Of Horses song "The Funeral," from an okay melodic guitar song into a full-on mood masterpiece. Just listen to the "ooooo" (yes, I just quoted a whole bunch of "o's") when it comes in: it's perfect, the kind of stuff that life-changing epiphanies are made of. I've watched this You Tube clip quite a few times and still don't feel that I have a full grasp of what this commercial is actually trying to say, but it doesn't matter: the song is all that matters. Spliced into 30 seconds "The Funeral" is the perfect song. Ironically this video just came on the TV while I watch a re-run of "Frasier." It makes me want to pull my copy of "Everything All the Time" off the shelf and upload it onto my Ipod. I'll wait until Frasier is over.

1 comment:

Viagra Online said...

Ford Motor Company ius one ofhte best brand of cars in the world, my car is ford and it is so confortable, the video is so spectacular I really like it!22dd
the people can understand a lot of things with the commercial!